I've been working hard on my designs the last couple weeks, there's been a couple hiccups with a few of them but have finally got a pair of fingerless mittens that have worked up nicely and have the pattern written out to share. I am one of those people that have obsessions with certain designs or techniques depending on my mood mainly. I once considered naming this blog after the stitch herringbone when I was making my boyfriend a hat with it. . . So glad that didn't take. But anyways, right now I'm obsessed with the look of the moss stitch or seed stitch, whatever name you prefer. I was laying awake late one night and thought up this design. It's simple, classy, and I'm offering it up free! What better way to join the world of knit designing than with a free pattern. Just grab up a some amount of DK weight from your stash and your U.S. size 3 DPN needles (or Magic Loop it with circular needles)
And now introducing:
I named these for my favorite singer's favorite number ;) |
Made with simple moss stitch on the outside of each hand and on the thumb gusset I believe these can be a perfect gloves for a beginner or a quick stitch up for an intermediate.
I have very small hands so these only are sized for a 6" wrist and with a 1/2" increase towards the top but they are stretchy. Sizing for medium and large will be put on Ravelry in a couple days. As soon as I size them appropriately.
Yarn: About half skein of DK weight (I used Simply Soft Caron in Harvest Red, even though it says worsted weight it felt more like DK, cheap yarn will do that...)
Needles: U.S. size 3 DPN or circular (Magic Loop) or size used to obtain gauge.
2 Stitch markers
Stitch holder
Blunt yarn needle
Finished size: Small: 6" circumference from the wrist and 6 1/2" at the top. 5" long
Gauge: 6 sts = 1"
Special abbrev:
kfb: knit front and back of stitch
PM: place marker
M: marker
SM: slip marker
Special note: For the first kfb in the thumb section of the increasing rows that requires kfb (SM inbetween last 2 sts) I first knit the stitch, slip the marker to the working needle (for RHers that's the right, LHers, that's the left), then reinsert the last stitch used onto the opposite needle, and knit through the back loop. Therefore making the stitch marker in the middle of those two stitches and still working a kfb increase.
Pattern: (For the Right Hand)
CO 38 sts and join in rounds.
Knit (k1, p1) ribbing for 4 rows.
Row 1: k12, p1, k1, p1, k til end.
Row 2: k13, p1, k til end
Repeat Rows 1 & 2 twice more.
(Increase for thumb)
Row 1: k12, p1, k1, p1, k17, kfb (PM inbetween last 2 sts just made), PM, k til end.
Row 2: k13, p1, k til 1 st before M, kfb (SM inbetween last 2 sts), kfb, SM, k til end
Row 3: k12, p1, k1, p1, k til 1 st before M, kfb, (SM inbetween last 2 sts), k1, p1, kfb, SM, k til end.
Row 4: k13, p1, k til M, SM, (k1,p1) twice, k1, SM, k til end.
Row 5: k12, p1, k1, p1, k til M, SM, p1 (k1, p1) twice, SM, k til end.
Row 6: k13, p1, k til 1 st before M, kfb, (SM inbetween last 2 sts), (k1, p1) twice, kfb, SM, k til end.
Row 7: k12, p1, k1, p1, k til M, SM, (k1,p1) three times, k1, SM, k til end.
Row 8: k13, p1, k til M, SM, (p1, k1) three times, p1, SM, k til end.
Row 9: k12, p1, k1, p1, k til 1 st before M, kfb (SM inbetween last 2 sts), (k1, p1) three times, kfb, SM, k til end.
Row 10: k13, p1, k til M, SM, (k1,p1) four times, k1, SM, k til end.
Row 11: k12, p1, k1, p1, k til M, SM, (p1, k1) four times, p1, SM, k til end.
Row 12: k13, p1, k til 1 st before M, kfb, (SM inbetween last 2 sts) (k1,p1) four times, kfb, SM, k til end.
Row 13: k12, p1, k1, p1, k til M, put next 11 sts on st holder, co 6 sts, k til end.
Row 14: k13, p1, k til end.
Row 15: k12, p1, k1, p1, k til end.
Repeat Rows 14 & 15 for 11 more rows, ending with Row 14.
Next row: k1, ssk, k9, p1, k1, p1, k1, k2tog, k2, ssk, k19, k2tog, k1.
Knit (k1, p1) ribbing for 2 rows then BO. Weave in ends.
Thumb: (for both)
Place the 11 sts from the st holder to a needle, pick up 8 sts, and follow the moss st pattern (alternating k & p) for the 11 sts and knit the 8 sts for 5 rows.
Next row: Sl 1, (k1, p1) ribbing til the last st, slip slipped st over and p2tog. (18 sts)
Knit (k1, p1) ribbing the next row then BO. Weave in ends.
Pattern: (for the Left Hand):
CO 38 sts and join in rounds.
Knit (k1, p1) ribbing for 4 rows.
Row 1: k4, p1, k1, p1, k til end.
Row 2: k5, p1, k til end.
Repeat Rows 1 & 2 twice more.
(Increase for thumb)
Row 1: k4, p1, k1, p1, k16, kfb (PM inbetween last 2 sts just made), PM k til end.
Row 2: k5, p1, k til 1 st before M, kfb (SM inbetween last 2 sts), kfb, SM, k til end.
Row 3: k4, p1, k1, p1, k til 1 st before M, kfb, (SM inbetween last 2 sts), k1, p1, kfb, SM, k til end.
Row 4: k5, p1, k til M, SM, (k1,p1) twice, k1, SM, k til end.
Row 5: k4, p1, k1, p1, k til M, SM, p1 (k1, p1) twice, SM, k til end.
Row 6: k5, p1, k til 1 st before M, kfb, (SM inbetween last 2 sts), (k1, p1) twice, kfb, SM, k til end.
Row 7: k4, p1, k1, p1, k til M, SM, (k1,p1) three times, k1, SM, k til end.
Row 8: k5, p1, k til M, SM, (p1, k1) three times, p1, SM, k til end.
Row 9: k4, p1, k1, p1, k til 1 st before M, kfb (SM inbetween last 2 sts), (k1, p1) three times, kfb, SM, k til end.
Row 10: k5, p1, k til M, SM, (k1,p1) four times, k1, SM, k til end.
Row 11: k4, p1, k1, p1, k til M, SM, (p1, k1) four times, p1, SM, k til end.
Row 12: k5, p1, k til 1 st before M, kfb, (SM inbetween last 2 sts) (k1,p1) four times, kfb, SM, k til end.
Row 13: k4, p1, k1, p1, k til M, put next 11 sts on st holder, co 6 sts, k til end.
Row 14: k5, p1, k til end.
Row 15: k4, p1, k1, p1, k til end.
Repeat Rows 14 & 15 for 11 more rows, ending with Row 14.
Next row: k1, ssk, k1, p1, k1, p1, k9, k2tog, k2, ssk, k19, k2tog, k1
Knit (k1, p1) ribbing for 2 rows then BO. Weave in ends.
Repeat for the Thumb.
And you're done :) If the explanation for the first kfb is confusing I do have pictures. The markers are mainly there to help distinguish where the thumb increase is, making writing the pattern easier. I thought of doing a chart but I wasn't sure there was a symbol for kfb . M1 or YO would not be appropriate for this pattern for I was trying to make the bump from the b in kfb look like a purl for the moss pattern. I, myself, thought that pretty clever, hehe. And that's all folks. I plan on posting this free pattern on Ravelry if I can figure out how to do it on Kindle and hopefully have an update on larger sizes here in a couple days. (This will be my first try at grading).
If you have an questions, confusion, etc with the pattern don't hesitate to comment below, I will get back to you as soon as possible. And sign up for email updates so you don't miss out on any more of my patterns or updates!
Talk soon!